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Evacuation Plan

Evacuation Plan

The School of Music is responsible for developing a comprehensive plan for evacuation. Building evacuation routes and maps are provided with an accurate layout of the building and multiple exit routes from any location. These plans are posted in prominently traveled areas (e.g., hallways, stairwells, etc.). 

  • Special attention must be given to evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities. Even if no known building occupants have special needs, the evacuation plan must contain these provisions to ensure the safety of visitors or others with special needs.
Lower Level – Pleasant Street Parking Garage

This is the School of Music preplanned designated assembly point and meeting place for evacuated occupants.  It is at least 200 feet from the building and clear of fire hydrants and access roads.

Safety Coordinators: Hank Hehmsoth - Mark Blair - Danton Bankay
Safety Coordinators on each floor should be responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring that persons on the floor are aware of an emergency and the need to evacuate.

  • Ensuring that building evacuation routes are clearly posted in prominently traveled areas.

  • Ensuring that new employees are familiar with evacuation and fire drill procedures.

A written plan for emergencies is essential for the Music building. Studies show that when occupants discuss, plan, implement, and practice evacuation plans, they are better able to protect themselves and others. 

The figure below shows a typical evacuation plan posted in University buildings. 

E Routes